Join us for our Services at 10am or 4pm every Sunday.

Everyone is welcome and we would love to meet you.


Kids Church is on a break for the summer holidays. We will resume on 9 February 2025.

Kids Church is on Sundays at our 4pm service during school terms.

We have Busy Bees for kids age 3 to year one in school and our Ignite

group is for kids in years 2 – 6. We would love to see you there!


Playtime will resume on Thursday Feb 13 2025!

Join us on Thursdays from 9.30 to 11.00am for a great time

with all the things you enjoyed before: music and movement, stories,

morning tea, crafts, and free play. We have been making some changes

to the play area so come and check it out.

Cost $5 per family. Morning Tea provided.


Youth is on a break for the summer holidays and will resume on Feb 2025.

Revolution Youth meet’s on Friday evenings from 6 – 8pm.

Come and have dinner together and hang out with friends,

play a game and hear about our awesome God.

Cost $5.
